.. _RST_ActionsKB: ******* Actions ******* Structure of the Programs ************************* Agents interact in VirtualHome via programs, lists of instructions that tell which actions each agent should do, and with which objects. These commands are called using :meth:`unity_simulator.UnityCommunication.render_script`, where a script is a list of strings of the form: .. code-block:: python {action1} with `{action1}` being of the form .. code-block:: python [action_name] # action with no args [action_name] arg1 # action with a single arg [action_name] arg1 arg2 # action with 2 args And `args` correspond to objects, of the form .. code-block:: python (object_id) An example of an action would be .. code-block:: python [put] (3) (2) Multiple agents can do actions at the same time. You specify it as follows .. code-block:: python [put] (3)
(2) | [walk] (5) Actions available ***************** Below is the list of actions available, notice that after an action is executed, the graph is updated, according to tue rules in :ref:`my-kbenvs`. Walk -------- Walks to a room or object :Arguments: 1 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``character`` is not sitting - ``obj1`` is reachable (not inside some closed container) or ``obj1`` is a room. - ``obj1`` is not grabbed :Postconditions: - character will move at a distance close to the object, making sure it is visible. - if ``obj1`` is a room, character will move to the center of the room :Example: - ``[walk] (1)`` |br| Run -------- Runs to a room or object :Arguments: 1 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``character`` is not sitting - ``obj1`` is reachable (not inside some closed container) or ``obj1`` is a room. - ``obj1`` is not grabbed :Postconditions: - character will move at a distance close to the object, making sure it is visible. - if ``obj1`` is a room, character will move to the center of the room :Example: - ``[run] (1)`` |br| Walktowards ----------- Walks some distance towards a room or object :Arguments: 1 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``character`` is not sitting - ``obj1`` is reachable (not inside some closed container) or ``obj1`` is a room. - ``obj1`` is not grabbed :Postconditions: - character will move at a distance close to the object, making sure it is visible. - if ``obj1`` is a room, character will move to the center of the room :Example: - ``[walktowards] (1)`` - ``[walktowards]
(1) :3:`` |br| Walkforward ----------- Walks 1 meter forward. :Arguments: 0 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``character`` is not sitting :Postconditions: - character will 1 meter forward according to current orientation. :Example: - ``[walkforward]`` |br| TurnLeft -------- Turns 30 degrees left :Arguments: 0 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``character`` is not sitting :Postconditions: - character is turned 30 degree counterclockwise :Example: - ``[turnleft]`` |br| TurnRight --------- Turns 30 degrees right :Arguments: 0 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``character`` is not sitting :Postconditions: - character is turned 30 degree clockwise :Example: - ``[turnleft]`` |br| Sit -------- Sit on an object :Arguments: 1 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``character`` is not sitting - ``character`` is close to ``obj1`` - ``obj1`` has property ``sittable`` - number of objects on `obj1` must be less than: 'couch': 4, 'bed': 4, 'chair': 1, 'loveseat': 2, 'sofa': 4, 'toilet': 1, 'pianobench': 2, 'bench': 2 :Postconditions: - Add directed edges: character sitting `obj1` :Example: - ``[sit] (1)`` |br| StandUp -------- Stand Up :Arguments: 0 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``character`` state is sitting :Postconditions: - ``character`` remove state sitting :Example: - ``[standup]`` |br| Grab -------- Grab an object :Arguments: 1 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``obj1`` property is grabbable except water - exists edge ``character`` close ``obj1`` - ``character`` is close to ``obj1`` - ``obj1`` is reachable (not inside some closed container) - No edge ``character`` ``holds_rh`` any object or no edge ``character`` ``holds_lh`` any_object. Character has at least one free hand. :Postconditions: - Add directed edges: character ``holds_rh`` or ``hold_lh``, ``obj1`` - ``obj1`` is not anymore on a surface or inside a container :Example: - ``[grab] (1)`` |br| Open -------- Open an object :Arguments: 1 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``obj1`` property is ``opennable`` and state is ``closed``. - ``character`` is close to ``obj1`` - ``obj1`` is reachable (not inside some closed container) - No edge ``character`` ``holds_rh`` any object or no edge ``character`` ``holds_lh`` any_object. Character has at least one free hand. :Postconditions: - ``obj1`` state is ``open`` :Example: - ``[open] (1)`` |br| Close -------- Close an object :Arguments: 1 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``obj1`` property is ``opennable`` and state is ``open``. - ``character`` is close to ``obj1`` - ``obj1`` is reachable (not inside some closed container) - No edge ``character`` ``holds_rh`` any object or no edge ``character`` ``holds_lh`` any_object. Character has at least one free hand. :Postconditions: - ``obj1`` state is ``closed``. :Example: - ``[close] (1)`` |br| Put -------- Put an object on some other object :Arguments: 2 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - exists edge character ``holds_lh`` ``obj1`` or character ``holds_rh`` ``obj1`` - exists edge ``character`` close ``obj2`` :Postconditions: - remove directed edges: character ``holds_lh`` ``obj1`` or character ``holds_rh`` ``obj1`` - add directed edges: ``obj1`` ``on`` ``obj2`` :Example: - ``[putback] (1)
(1)`` |br| PutIn -------- Put an object inside some other object :Arguments: 2 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - exists edge character ``holds_lh`` ``obj1`` or character ``holds_rh`` ``obj1`` - exists edge ``character`` close ``obj2`` - ``obj2`` is not ``closed`` :Postconditions: - remove directed edges: character ``holds_lh`` ``obj1`` or character ``holds_rh`` ``obj1`` - add directed edges: ``obj1`` ``inside`` ``obj2`` :Example: - ``[putin] (1) (1)`` |br| SwitchOn -------- Turn an object on :Arguments: 1 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``obj1`` has property ``switch`` - ``obj1`` state is ``off`` - exists edge ``character`` close ``obj1`` :Postconditions: - ``obj1`` state is ``on`` :Example: - ``[switchon] (1)`` |br| SwitchOff --------- Turn an object off :Arguments: 1 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``obj1`` has property ``switch`` - ``obj1`` state is ``on`` - exists edge ``character`` close ``obj1`` :Postconditions: - ``obj1`` state is ``off`` :Example: - ``[switchoff] (1)`` |br| Drink --------- Drink from an object :Arguments: 1 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``obj1`` property is drinkable or recipient - exists edge ``character`` close ``obj1`` :Postconditions: :Example: - ``[drink] (1)`` |br| Touch --------- Touch an object :Arguments: 1 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``character`` is close to ``obj1`` - ``obj1`` is reachable (not inside some closed container) :Postconditions: :Example: - ``[touch] (1)`` |br| LookAt --------- Look at an object :Arguments: 1 :Modifier: :Preconditions: - ``character`` is facing ``obj1`` - ``obj1`` is reachable (not inside some closed container) :Postconditions: :Example: - ``[lookat] (1)`` .. |br| raw:: html